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International Healthcare Professionals

If you are looking for information about training or visiting a palliative care provider/research institution in Japan, you can send your information to the e-mail address below.

  • Observership Participant Contact Information
  • Personal Statement
    Applicants are invited to submit a personal statement outlining their current academic or professional pursuits, future goals, and how their visit/training in Japan will contribute to these. This should include details of their research or work, career aspirations, and how they envision leveraging their experience in Japan for personal and professional growth.
    An example is here.
  • Curriculum Vitae
    An example is here.
  • Recommendation Letter from Head of the Department
  • Scanned copy of your passport's photo page
  • Questionnaire; If doctoral or master's degree credit is required for this clinical visit, it would be appreciated if you could indicate this.

Please send all of the above information as an attachment to this e-mail address.

Additional documents may be required by the host.