Public Relations Committee
The aim of the Public Relations Committee is to contribute to the dissemination and education of palliative medicine and the development of the Society, not only to the members of the Society, but also to medical professionals, the general public, and patients and their families, by performing duties related to public relations and advertising using various media such as websites and social networking services.
(1) Planning, management and operation of the website
The website is designed to enrich the information related to academic research and education on palliative medicine, and to create an environment where anyone can easily access the necessary information. In addition, the website is designed to be viewed not only by computers and tablets, but also by smartphones and other devices.
(2) Planning and execution of public relations and advertising activities
We effectively use SNS, videos, and other media to disseminate information to medical professionals, the general public, and patients and their families. We plan and execute the information dissemination, placing importance on easy-to-understand contents and methods of communication that suit the target audience.
(3) Approval of sponsorship, co-sponsorship, co-sponsorship, and support
We consult with and make decisions on applications from each organization based on the regulations.